
Batman forever movie quotes
Batman forever movie quotes

batman forever movie quotes

The first of the serials, "The Electrical Brain," began with a long voice-over narration: "High atop one of the hills which ring the teaming metropolis of Gotham City, a large house rears its bulk against the dark sky. His hideout was located behind the Cave of Horrors carnival ride in Little Tokyo. He was also noted as a mad scientist who could turn his enemies into electronically-controlled zombies, and he possessed an alligator pit beneath a trapdoor in his living room. He possessed a "new secret weapon" - a destructive radium-powered death ray that could crumble a concrete wall into rubble.

batman forever movie quotes

Carrol Naish playing the role of a diabolical, shifty-eyed Japanese criminal mastermind who was named Dr. The series was set during wartime, with J. There was no Batmobile in both 1940s serials, although this series introduced butler Alfred Pennyworth (William Austin). Shirley Patterson played the part of secretary Linda Page, Bruce's girlfriend who often necessitated rescue. 1 crime fighter," and Douglas Croft as his "young two-fisted assistant" Robin/Richard "Dick" Grayson - they were a crime-fighting duo. Lewis Wilson starred as smug playboy Bruce Wayne with alias superhero Batman, "America's No. The fifteen serial chapter titles, in order were: "The Electrical Brain," "The Bat's Cave," "The Mark of the Zombies," "Slaves of the Rising Sun," "The Living Corpse," "Poison Peril," "The Phoney Doctor," "Lured by Radium," "The Sign of the Sphinx," "Flying Spies," "Nipponese Trap," "Embers of Evil," "Eight Steps Down," "The Executioner Strikes," "The Doom of the Rising Sun." When the serial was revived in the mid-1960s, it was retitled: "An Evening With Batman and Robin" - with all episodes played straight-through from beginning to end. Batman was the first DC Comics character to have his own serial. The introductory episode was about 26-27 minutes long, while the others were shorter. This low-budget, 15-part weekly serial from Columbia Pictures was, as the opening credits stated: "Based on the Batman comic magazine feature appearing in detective comics and Batman magazines, Created by Bob Kane." Each one ended with a cliff-hanger, which was repeated at the beginning of the next week's episode. Dark Knight (2008) | The Dark Knight Rises

Batman forever movie quotes